We carry out cutting-edge technological developments in electronics, computing and mechanics for particle physics, astroparticles and medical imaging. These developments have direct or indirect repercussions in the industrial world or for laboratories working in other scientific fields. They are the subject of industrial and academic technological development and cover the following fields:
- Services: private, public, European project
- Patent filings (8 since 2001)
- Technology transfers: creation of 2 start-ups imXPAD and Powersea
- Skills development: expertise, responses to calls for tenders
Valuation actions are carried out in relation to:
- The SPV (Service Partenariat Valorisation) of the Regional Delegation 12
- SATT (Société d'Acélération de Transfert Technologique)
Services provided
Mainly in microelectronics, the laboratory has carried out several ASIC implementation contracts:
- Circuit project for active dosimetry
- Collaboration with MIND
- Specific circuit for a campus laboratory
- Specific circuit within the framework of a European CURVACE programme
As part of an ESRF/SOLEIL/CPPM collaboration:
The adaptation of the ASICS developments developed within the framework of ATLAS/pixels has made it possible to develop a circuit dedicated to X-ray applications: the XPAD-3 circuit.
Technology transfers
CPPM has carried out two technology transfers through the creation of start-ups exploiting patents filed by the laboratory:
- imXPAD
After the completion of an X-ray detector and the filing of 2 patents, all the steps for the creation of a start-up by the laboratory staff were completed.
- PowerSea
Following the ANTARES experiment, a new underwater connector was invented by two mechanical service engineers and a patent was filed. PowerSea was created with shareholders (Comex, SubSeaTech and 3 natural persons) and the participation of a person from CPPM with the status 25.2 of the Innovation Act.
Skills development
The skills of the laboratory's technical services are often highlighted when responding to calls for tenders from Amidex, the ANR or the South Region. The sectors highlighted are:
- Microelectronics
- Fast acquisition
- Noble gas detection
Amidex: Demon project for the diagnosis of fusion plasma in the CEA's WEST Tokamak in Cadarache. Realization of a specific ASIC circuit.
ANR: Temporary project for the development of a Compton camera for nuclear dismantling operations. Production of an acquisition card.
South Region: Rexan project for the recovery of medical xenon in a simple and effective way. Xenon recovery system in nanoporous materials.
Public dissemination
CPPM is at the origin of 2 achievements oriented towards the general public: the Cosmophone and the Cosmic Wheel.
COSMOPHONE: particle sound system. Several systems have been built: Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie - La Villette (Paris), Nikhef laboratory in Amsterdam, Modane underground laboratory (LSM). Two other examples are currently at the Observatoire de Haute Provence and the Planétarium de Vaulx-En-Velin.
COSMIC WHEEL or Cosmodetector: muon telescope for use in high schools as part of the "Science at School" programme, several dozen of which have been built.
Contact: Stéphan Beurthey